Terdapat 2 kitab rujukan utama yang diguna pakai oleh pengamal urut tradisional tempatan (Melayu) bagi masalah seks terutamanya bagi kaum lelaki. Panduan mengurut alat kelamin lelaki supaya lebih besar, panjang, tegang dan tahan lama (lambat pancut) dari biasa juga diambil dari 2 kitab ini. Kitab tersebut ialah Tajul Muluk dan Taman Wangi Bagi Keseronokan Hawa Nafsu (al-rawd al-'âtir fî nuzhati'l khâtir) karangan Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi iaitu seorang penasihat istana kerajaan Arab-Tunisia di kurun ke-17. Ada pendapat buku ini dikarang pada kurun ke-12 Masehi. Buku ini begitu popular hingga diterjemahkan ke dalam pelbagai bahasa, antara yang popular ialah terjemahan oleh Sir Richard Francis Burton ke dalam bahasa Inggeris pada tahun 1886.
Walaupun tiada bukti saintifik yang menunjukkan saiz alat kelamin lelaki berubah secara kekal, namun berdasarkan panduan dari kedua-dua kitab tersebut, tidak salah kita berikhtiar mencubanya (mungkin tiada responden yang ingin menjadi bahan uji kaji).
Kenapa anda perlu mengurut alat kelamin :
- Mengubati tanda-tanda awal penyakit mati pucuk dan lemah tenaga batin.
- Membantu mengatasi masalah pancutan awal atau ejakulasi pra matang.
- Sedikit sebanyak membantu membesar dan memanjangkan saiz alat kelamin. Namun begitu masih belum terdapat bukti saitifik menunjukkan saiz alat kelamin berubah secara kekal.
- Membantu menegak dan menguatkan lagi alat kelamin supaya lebih mantap.
- Membantu melambatkan proses ejakulasi dan alat kelamin mampu bertahan lebih lama semasa mengadakan hubungan suami isteri.
RAHSIA 1 : Sentiasa Berstamina
SUAMI PERKASA perlu sentiasa berstamina dan bersedia pada bila-bila masa untuk memberi layanan yang A+ kepada isterinya. Tiada maknanya jika anda mempunyai nafsu seks yang membuak-buak tetapi selalu sakit-sakit dan terlantar di katil tidak berdaya. Menjadi seorang suami, anda bukan hanya sekadar menyediakan keperluan material semata-mata tetapi juga mampu memberi nafkah batin dengan sewajarnya.
Sebenarnya anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan satu sen pun untuk memiliki tubuh badan yang sihat. Cuma amalkan senaman ringkas 10 minit sehari selepas bangun tidur dan semasa hendak tidur. Jika anda mengamalkan teknik ini, dijamin anda akan sentiasa berstamina sepanjang hari dan yang paling penting anda akan mengaum bagaikan harimau di ranjang ketika bersama isteri.
RAHSIA 2 : Alat Kelamin POWER
Ini adalah perkara yang paling mustahak dan antara punca kegagalan ramai suami memberi kepuasan seks kepada isteri. Berbadan tegap dan sasa serta berstamina sahaja tidak memberi makna jika alat Kelamin anda pendek, kecil, lembik, kepala alat Kelamin kuncup, cepat kendur, kurang tegang dan tidak maskulin, yang lebih parah.. MATI PUCUK!
Anda memang perlukan alat Kelamin yang benar-benar mantap dan power untuk memberi kenikmatan seks luar biasa kepada isteri anda. Jika alat Kelamin anda tidak berfungsi dengan baik, anda perlu lakukan sesuatu untuk memperbaiki prestasi alat Kelamin anda.
RAHSIA 3 : Tahan Lama
Tahukah anda setiap wanita memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit untuk dirangsang dan memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit lagi untuk mencapai klimaks. Sungguh menghampakan dan memalukan apabila suami menghadapi masalah terpancut awal. Suami asyik makan sorang sahaja sedangkan isteri makan hati menjeruk rasa.
Jangan biarkan ia berlarutan. Mungkin isteri anda tidak pernah merungut tentang masalah anda. Jika anda merasakan bahawa anda tergolong dalam suami sebegini, anda perlu lakukan sesuatu sebelum isteri anda mula mencari alasan untuk tidak melayan anda malam ini!
RAHSIA 4 : Mahir Dalam Posisi Seks
Anda perlu mahir sekurang-kurangnya 10 posisi seks. Mengapa? Kerana setiap posisi seks mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan tersendiri. Posisi seks yang berlainan dapat mengawal tempo dayungan dan kedalaman tusukan alat Kelamin untuk meningkatkan sensasi kepada isteri dan melewatkan ejakulasi. Jadi dengan memilih posisi yang betul dan mempelbagaikan variasi posisi seks pastinya akan memberi kenikmatan yang berbeza kepada isteri anda.
RAHSIA 5 : Menguasai Nafsu Isteri
Berilah layanan yang istimewa kepadanya sebelum seks dan jangan terlalu gelojoh untuk memasukkan alat Kelamin ke dalam faraj dan kemudian cepat juga ingin menamatkan pelayaran. Itu sebenarnya kesilapan anda dan juga kebanyakan suami. Mereka tidak tahu ilmu merangsang nafsu seks isteri dengan senda gurau dan cumbu rayu. Rahsia itulah yang perlu anda kuasai sebelum nafsu isteri anda berjaya dijinakkan.
Ada pelbagai
kaedah mengurut alat kelamin yang meliputi cara mengurut, kawasan tubuh badan
yang diurut, minyak atau alat yang digunakan dan peraturan tempoh waktu amalan
urut dilakukan, malahan ada yang mengguna jampi serapah seperti dalam amalan
dukun Melayu.
Berikut ini adalah koleksi kaedah urut alat kelamin seperti yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat tradisi Melayu-Arab seperti termaktub dalam kitab Tajul Muluk dan Taman Wangi Bagi Keseronokan Hawa Nafsu (al-rawd al-'âtir fî nuzhati'l khâtir). Ianya adalah Rahsia yang perlu diketahui oleh setiap lelaki yang mengambil berat akan kesihatan fizikal alat kelaminnya.
Cara Urut Secara Umum
Cara Urut Untuk Besar Dan Panjangkan Alat Kelamin
Purata panjang
alat kelamin lelaki dewasa Asia yang normal ialah sekitar 4 inci hingga 6 inci.
Kaedah mengurut yang betul dikatakan boleh meningkatkan saiz alat kelamin
berbeza dari biasa.
1. Seeloknya
dilakukan pada awal pagi. Sapukan sedikit MyLG Oil pada tapak tangan dan gosok sedikit
untuk memanaskan / menghangatkannya.
2. Tarik nafas. Kemutkan dubur, genggam pangkal batang alat kelamin dengan
tangan kanan menggunakan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk.
3. Lurutkan batang zakar itu membawa tangan ke hujung zakar tapi
hendaklah anda berhenti bila sampai ke takuk alat kelamin. Dengan cara ini,
anda menghantar lebih banyak darah ke dalam kepala alat kelamin dan dikunci
tenagannya oleh cengkaman tangan tadi. Tahan nafas selama 7 kiraan sambil
mengekalkan cengkaman itu. Kemudian lepaskan.
4. Lenturkan batang alat kelamin ke arah paha kanan dubur. Kemudian
lepaskan lenturan itu. Lakukan beberapa kali. (Lagi banyak lagi bagus).
5. Lenturkan batang alat kelamin ke arah paha kiri dubur. Kemudian
lepaskan lenturan itu. Lakukan beberapa kali (lagi banyak lagi bagus).
6. Pegang kepala alat kelamin, pusingkan alat kelamin mengikut arah jam
beberapa kali (mengikut kesesuaian). Kemudian lakukan yang sama pada arah
berlawanan jam.
Saksikan perbezaan pada alat kelamin anda pada hari-hari ke 7, ke-14 dan pada hari ke-21 dan hari ke-40. Sebaik-baiknya anda mengukur alat kelamin terlebih dahulu sebelum memulakan latihan ini.
Cara Urut Untuk Keraskan Alat Kelamin
Sebelum tidur, ambil
sedikit MyLG Oil dan gosokkan pada tapak tangan untuk memanaskannya. Letakkan
sedikit minyak tersebut pada jari-jari tangan dan urut kelengkang iaitu antara
dubur ke telur alat kelamin (seakan-akan Istibra’selepas kencing) . Tekan
sedikit dan pastikan anda urut sehala saja, iaitu dari dubur mengarah ke telur alat
kelamin Lakukan sebanyak 7 kali.
Jika anda melakukannya
dengan betul, anda akan dapat melihat kesannya pada keesokkan pagi terutama sekitar
waktu Subuh dimana alat kelamin anda akan menegang. Amalkan ia kalau
boleh pada setiap malam sebelum anda tidur terutama ketika cuaca sejuk supaya
ligament dan urat-urat alat kelamin berada pada tahap kecergasan yang terbaik.
Istibra’ (Membersihkan sisa-sisa air
kencing di dalam alat kelamin)
dilakukan dengan cara:
Mengusap dengan kuat antara lubang dubur dan alat
kelamin sebanyak tiga kali. Usapan hendaklah dilakukan sehala saja dari arah
dubur ke telur alat kelamin.
Meletakkan telunjuk di bawah alat kelamin dan ibu
jari di atas batang alat kelamin dan lalu mengusapkannya dengan tekanan hingga
ujung alat kelamin sebanyak tiga kali.
Menekan ujung kepala alat kelamin tiga kali.
Dilakukan seperti memerah kepala alat kelamin, untuk mengeluarkan sisa-sia air
Jika setelah
istibra’ keluar cairan yang meragukan apakah air kencing atau bukan maka
dianggap suci dan tidak membatalkan wudhu tetapi jika tidak istibra’, maka
dihukumi najis dan membatalkan wudhu’. Antara manfaat amalan Istibra’ ialah
mencegah masalah Prostate dan masalah radang jangkitan pada saluran kencing.
Cara Urut Untuk
Memecahkan Lemak, Angin Pada Batang Alat Kelamin
Semasa bangun
dari tidur, selatkan pangkal batang alat kelamin (kawasan yang berhampiran
dengan bumi alat kelamin) menggunakan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah tangan
kanan atau tangan kiri. Hujung jari-jari itu menekan ke bumi alat kelamin
sambil mengurut-urutnya ke atas dan ke bawah.
Lakukan selama
kira-kira 2 minit atau hitungan 99 kali. Lakukan pada setiap pagi kerana amalan
ini akan memecahkan lemak dan angin dari berkumpul pada pangkal alat kelamin.
Ianya juga dapat mengelakkan dari berlakunya tersimpul urat buah alat kelamin
apabila usia meningkat tua.
Menurut kitab
Tajul Muluk dan Rawd-at-Tirr, mengurut menggunakan minyak urut yang khas boleh
membantu lelaki bertahan lebih lama ketika bersetubuh.
Caranya ialah dengan mengurut sehala dari pangkal zakar menghala
ke hujung alat kelamin, berulang-ulang kali. Tempatkan ibu jari di bahagian
atas batang alat kelamin, jari tengah di bahagian bawahnya.Lakukan urutan selama 2 minit atau 99-kali hitungan. Latihan ini boleh dilakukan pada bila-bila waktu lapang, kecuali pada waktu Zohor dan Maghrib.
Cara Urut Alat
Kelamin Melalui Persetubuhan
Alat kelamin adalah
anggota tubuh yang sukar dikawal oleh minda. Adalah sukar bagi lelaki normal
untuk memerintahkan alat kelaminnya menegang mengikut sesuka hati.
Ereksi atau ketegangan alat
kelamin antara lain digerakkan oleh deria penglihatan, sentuhan dan bau yang
menghantar mesej ke otak untuk merembes hormon jantan dan seterusnya menggera alat
kelamin untuk tegak kerana terangsang atau berahi apabila bersama perempuan.
Oleh kerana
saiz, tahap kekerasan dan bentuk alat kelamin merupakan
faktor-faktor bagi memudahkan isteri mencapai klimaks dan inzal, maka
disebutkan bahawa teknik mengurut alat kelamin pada liang faraj isteri adalah satu
latihan yang perlu dipelajari oleh suami.
Salah satu cara
bagi memuaskan isteri ialah dengan membuat faraj isteri dapat merasakan alat
kelamin mengurut dan mengusap keseluruhan liang faraj atau vagina dalam setiap
Ini akan hanya
dapat dilakukan apabila suami dapat mengawal kepala alat kelaminnya agar boleh
kembang dan kuncup apabila dikehendaki.
Tekniknya ialah seperti berikut :
· dayungan
masuk – kuncupkan kepala alat kelamin apabila menusuk ke dalam faraj.
· dayungan
keluar – kembangkan kepala alat kelamin apabila menarik alat kelamin dari
Melalui cara
yang disebutkan tadi, isteri akan merasa seluruh urat-urat di dalam farajnya
dibelai dan diusap oleh alat kelamin, dan ini akan memberi nikmat dan kelazatan
seks yang tidak terhingga pada isteri.
Cara melatih alat
kelamin untuk responsif kembang-kuncup ialah melalui urutan dan perlu disertai
dengan kaedah pernafasan tertentu. Ketika bangun pagi, semasa alat kelamin
masih tegang, ambil sedikit MyLG Oil dan gosokkan pada tapak tangan supaya
panas. Tuam tapak tangan pada bahagian pinggang dan urut dari hala atas ke
bawah. (Rawatan
Dan Cara Urutan Alat Kelamin)
Taman Wangi (الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر) tulisan Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi ialah sebuah buku panduan seks dan hasil karya kesusasteraan erotik. Judul penuh buku tersebut ialah Taman Wangi Bagi Keseronokan Hawa Nafsu (al-rawd al-'âtir fî nuzhati'l khâtir).
Buku tersebut memaparkan pandangan-pandangan mengenai kualiti-kualiti yang patut dimiliki oleh lelaki dan wanita yang menjadikan orang lain tertarik dengan mereka, memberi nasihat-nasihat mengenai teknik-teknik seks, memberi amaran mengenai kesihatan seks, dan resepi-resepi bagi mengubati penyakit-penyakit seks.
Ia menyenaraikan nama-nama bagi zakar dan faraj. Ia juga memuatkan satu fasal mengenai tafsir mimpi dan secara ringkas menerangkan seks di kalangan haiwan. Semua ini diselangi dengan sejumlah cerita-cerita yang dimaksudkan untuk memberi konteks dan hiburan.
The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight ( الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر Al-rawḍ al-ʿāṭir fī nuzhaẗ al-ḫāṭir) by Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Nafzawi is a fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic literature.
The book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It gives lists of names for the penis and vagina, has a section on the interpretation of dreams, and briefly describes sex among animals. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement.
The French manuscript that Burton translated from was one printed by Isidore Liseux in 1886. This manuscript's last chapter — Chapter 21 — was incomplete, apparently because it contained material on homosexuality and pederasty which had been removed. When Burton died in late 1890, he was working on a new translation of the original manuscript, including this missing chapter. The revised translation, due to be retitled The Scented Garden, was never published as Burton's wife Isabel burned the manuscript soon after his death.
Exaggeration on the part of Burton is vividly illustrated in Chapter 6, titled "Sexual Technique" in Colville's translation and "Concerning Everything That Is Favourable to the Act of Coition" in Burton's. Burton's translation is perhaps 25 pages long, lists 39 sex positions as well as 6 types of sexual movement, and gives creative names to many of these. Colville's translation is 2½ pages long, and lists 11 unnamed sex positions.
Around 1410-1434 an erotic manual was compiled in Arabic titled ‘The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight. The significance of the book lies in the fact that it touched a subject that is anathema in Islam, namely sex. The man who wrote it Sheikh Nefzawi was directed to write the voluminous tome by none other than the Grand Vizier of Tunis. That is perhaps the reason that the work and its author survived. The book spread over 249 pages and 13 chapters is a connoisseur’s delight and the writer deserves credit for producing a book that is the anti-thesis of Islam and its philosophy. It is a wonder that such a book was allowed to be written, for with sex a taboo word in Islam the appearance of this book is itself a pleasant surprise.
The book had remained obscure and unknown and not many people knew about it. However one English man who had a missionary zeal translated the book. He was Sir Richard Burton, who is also the translator of the Arabian nights and another treatise on sex called the Kama Sutra. The book was published by the Kama Shastra society in 1886. This society was the vehicle to publish books by Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) and Foster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot (1833-1901). The society was formed in 1876 with the sole aim to get the erotic books translated by Burton to be published.
The Perfumed Garden 's main subject is the act of sex between a man and a woman. In fact it forms the central theme of the book and in chapter 6 of the book the sheikh lays down 36 positions for the act of coition. But it appears that the positions are heavily borrowed from the Hindu classic on sex the kama sutra. The sheikh also gives names to the various positions, perhaps with the idea to make the book interesting.
Despite 125 years having elapsed since its publication, the book still commands the interest of many readers and writers. Many writers feel it a challenge to re-translate this book. One writer named Rene R Khawam translated this book from the original Arabic into French in 1976. it is worth noting that Renee spent over 4 decades learning Arabic and translating the Koran and Arabian nights as well. Renee was not the last word in the translation of the Perfumed garden as in 1999 Jim Colville published another translation of the Perfumed Garden. He also translated the book directly from the Arabic and he noted many differences from Burtons translation as he felt that Burton’s translation lacked authenticity and had deviated from the original Arabic text. However Burtons translation is the more popular book and very few read Colvile's translation..
The book basically concerns the sexuality of the woman. The sheikh writes of women who are to be held in contempt and women who are to be praised. As the book was not meant to be read by women, the information is supposed to be for the man only. The Sheikh gives sundry names to the sexual organs of women and men. The aim was perhaps to keep the reader engrossed as well as please the Bey, who had commissioned this work.
The Sheikh further discusses the deceits and treacheries of women. The fact that he refers only to women shows the bias of Islamic society against women. But what will interest the reader are the erotic tales that amplify these qualities of women. The stories are well integrated with the book, though on can read them individually and I am sure they will give satisfaction to a reader. The stress of the book is on the sexual union of a man and a woman. As a further amplification to increase the potency and vigor of a man the book contains good advice on the foods to be eaten. Chapter 13 of the book is replete with such advice the sheikh recommends drinking camel’s milk and eating eggs fried in fried in cinnamon and butter. The Sheikh also lays great stress on consuming honey and eating almonds. There are many other aphrodisiacs mentioned to enhance the sexual prowess of man. As per the Sheikh it is only the power and strength of the male organ that can win the heart and command the respect of a woman. I presume there should be some truth in that even in the modern world.
This manual written in Arabic may perhaps have remained obscure, but for Richard Burton. But the important point is that such a book has come out of the vitals of an Islamic ruled state. Considering the official censorship and the life in the Islamic world where officially Sex is a taboo word, it is a wonder that such a book saw the light of the day.
The Perfumed Garden by Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi is a fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic literature. The full title of the book is The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight (al-rawd al-'[tir f nuzhat al-kh[tir). The book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It has a section on the interpretation of dreams. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement. According to the introduction of Colville's English translation, Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi probably wrote The Perfumed Garden sometime between 1410 and 1434. Sheikh Nefzawi, full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad ben Umar Nafzawi, was born in the Nefzawa region in the south of present-day Tunisia. Circa 1420 he compiled at the request of the Hafsid ruler of Tunis, Ab F[ris Abd al-Azz al-Mutawakkil, the present work. The reputation acquired by this work in the Arab world was similar to that of the Arabian Nights.
Taman Wangi
Taman Wangi (الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر) tulisan Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi ialah sebuah buku panduan seks dan hasil karya kesusasteraan erotik. Judul penuh buku tersebut ialah Taman Wangi Bagi Keseronokan Hawa Nafsu (al-rawd al-'âtir fî nuzhati'l khâtir).
Buku tersebut memaparkan pandangan-pandangan mengenai kualiti-kualiti yang patut dimiliki oleh lelaki dan wanita yang menjadikan orang lain tertarik dengan mereka, memberi nasihat-nasihat mengenai teknik-teknik seks, memberi amaran mengenai kesihatan seks, dan resepi-resepi bagi mengubati penyakit-penyakit seks.
Ia menyenaraikan nama-nama bagi zakar dan faraj. Ia juga memuatkan satu fasal mengenai tafsir mimpi dan secara ringkas menerangkan seks di kalangan haiwan. Semua ini diselangi dengan sejumlah cerita-cerita yang dimaksudkan untuk memberi konteks dan hiburan.
The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight ( الروض العاطر في نزهة الخاطر Al-rawḍ al-ʿāṭir fī nuzhaẗ al-ḫāṭir) by Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Nafzawi is a fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic literature.
The book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It gives lists of names for the penis and vagina, has a section on the interpretation of dreams, and briefly describes sex among animals. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement.
According to the introduction of
Colville's English translation, Muḥammad
ibn Muḥammad al-Nafzawi
probably wrote The Perfumed Garden sometime during the twelfth century.
Sheikh Nefzawi, full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad ben Umar Nafzawi,[1] was born among
the Berber Nefzawa tribe in the south of present-day Tunisia. He compiled at
the request of the Hafsid ruler of Tunis, Abū Fāris ʿAbd
al-Mutawakkil, the present work. The reputation acquired by this work in the
Arab world was similar to that of the Arabian Nights.
1886: Burton English translation
The Perfumed Garden first became widely known in the English speaking world through a translation from the French in 1886 by Sir Richard Francis Burton. Burton mentions that he considers that the work can be compared to those of Aretin and Rabelais, and the French book Conjugal Love by Nicolas Venette. But what he believes makes The Perfumed Garden unique in the genre is "the seriousness with which the most lascivious and obscene matters are presented." Burton points out that not all of the ideas in The Perfumed Garden are original: "For instance, all the record of Moçama and of Chedja is taken from the work of Mohammed ben Djerir el Taberi; the description of the different positions for coition, as well as the movements applicable to them, are borrowed from Indian works; finally, the book Birds and Flowers by Azeddine el Mocadecci (Izz al-Din al-Mosadeqi) seems to have been consulted with respect to the interpretation of dreams."The French manuscript that Burton translated from was one printed by Isidore Liseux in 1886. This manuscript's last chapter — Chapter 21 — was incomplete, apparently because it contained material on homosexuality and pederasty which had been removed. When Burton died in late 1890, he was working on a new translation of the original manuscript, including this missing chapter. The revised translation, due to be retitled The Scented Garden, was never published as Burton's wife Isabel burned the manuscript soon after his death.
1976: Khawam French translation
A new French translation by René R. Khawam was published in 1976.1999: Colville English translation
In 1999, Jim Colville published the first English Perfumed Garden translated directly from the Arabic original. Of the Burton translation, he says, "details were expanded, episodes introduced and whole sections incorporated from other, non-Arabic, sources. The text is dressed up in a florid prose alien to the style of the original and many of the notes are sheer speculation. The result is a consistently exaggerated and bizarre misrepresentation of the original".Exaggeration on the part of Burton is vividly illustrated in Chapter 6, titled "Sexual Technique" in Colville's translation and "Concerning Everything That Is Favourable to the Act of Coition" in Burton's. Burton's translation is perhaps 25 pages long, lists 39 sex positions as well as 6 types of sexual movement, and gives creative names to many of these. Colville's translation is 2½ pages long, and lists 11 unnamed sex positions.
A reference manual on Sexual Love
Around 1410-1434 an erotic manual was compiled in Arabic titled ‘The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight. The significance of the book lies in the fact that it touched a subject that is anathema in Islam, namely sex. The man who wrote it Sheikh Nefzawi was directed to write the voluminous tome by none other than the Grand Vizier of Tunis. That is perhaps the reason that the work and its author survived. The book spread over 249 pages and 13 chapters is a connoisseur’s delight and the writer deserves credit for producing a book that is the anti-thesis of Islam and its philosophy. It is a wonder that such a book was allowed to be written, for with sex a taboo word in Islam the appearance of this book is itself a pleasant surprise.
The book had remained obscure and unknown and not many people knew about it. However one English man who had a missionary zeal translated the book. He was Sir Richard Burton, who is also the translator of the Arabian nights and another treatise on sex called the Kama Sutra. The book was published by the Kama Shastra society in 1886. This society was the vehicle to publish books by Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) and Foster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot (1833-1901). The society was formed in 1876 with the sole aim to get the erotic books translated by Burton to be published.
The Perfumed Garden 's main subject is the act of sex between a man and a woman. In fact it forms the central theme of the book and in chapter 6 of the book the sheikh lays down 36 positions for the act of coition. But it appears that the positions are heavily borrowed from the Hindu classic on sex the kama sutra. The sheikh also gives names to the various positions, perhaps with the idea to make the book interesting.
Despite 125 years having elapsed since its publication, the book still commands the interest of many readers and writers. Many writers feel it a challenge to re-translate this book. One writer named Rene R Khawam translated this book from the original Arabic into French in 1976. it is worth noting that Renee spent over 4 decades learning Arabic and translating the Koran and Arabian nights as well. Renee was not the last word in the translation of the Perfumed garden as in 1999 Jim Colville published another translation of the Perfumed Garden. He also translated the book directly from the Arabic and he noted many differences from Burtons translation as he felt that Burton’s translation lacked authenticity and had deviated from the original Arabic text. However Burtons translation is the more popular book and very few read Colvile's translation..
The book basically concerns the sexuality of the woman. The sheikh writes of women who are to be held in contempt and women who are to be praised. As the book was not meant to be read by women, the information is supposed to be for the man only. The Sheikh gives sundry names to the sexual organs of women and men. The aim was perhaps to keep the reader engrossed as well as please the Bey, who had commissioned this work.
The Sheikh further discusses the deceits and treacheries of women. The fact that he refers only to women shows the bias of Islamic society against women. But what will interest the reader are the erotic tales that amplify these qualities of women. The stories are well integrated with the book, though on can read them individually and I am sure they will give satisfaction to a reader. The stress of the book is on the sexual union of a man and a woman. As a further amplification to increase the potency and vigor of a man the book contains good advice on the foods to be eaten. Chapter 13 of the book is replete with such advice the sheikh recommends drinking camel’s milk and eating eggs fried in fried in cinnamon and butter. The Sheikh also lays great stress on consuming honey and eating almonds. There are many other aphrodisiacs mentioned to enhance the sexual prowess of man. As per the Sheikh it is only the power and strength of the male organ that can win the heart and command the respect of a woman. I presume there should be some truth in that even in the modern world.
This manual written in Arabic may perhaps have remained obscure, but for Richard Burton. But the important point is that such a book has come out of the vitals of an Islamic ruled state. Considering the official censorship and the life in the Islamic world where officially Sex is a taboo word, it is a wonder that such a book saw the light of the day.
The Perfumed Garden by Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi is a fifteenth-century Arabic sex manual and work of erotic literature. The full title of the book is The Perfumed Garden of Sensual Delight (al-rawd al-'[tir f nuzhat al-kh[tir). The book presents opinions on what qualities men and women should have to be attractive, gives advice on sexual technique, warnings about sexual health, and recipes to remedy sexual maladies. It has a section on the interpretation of dreams. Interspersed with these there are a number of stories which are intended to give context and amusement. According to the introduction of Colville's English translation, Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Nafzawi probably wrote The Perfumed Garden sometime between 1410 and 1434. Sheikh Nefzawi, full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad ben Umar Nafzawi, was born in the Nefzawa region in the south of present-day Tunisia. Circa 1420 he compiled at the request of the Hafsid ruler of Tunis, Ab F[ris Abd al-Azz al-Mutawakkil, the present work. The reputation acquired by this work in the Arab world was similar to that of the Arabian Nights.
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